HAMMEL was represented, in the first half of the year 2016, at two important trade faires in Las Vegas, NV USA. From 4th to 6th April 2016 the international trade fair ISRI took place in Las Vegas, NV organized by US-American Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc. The HAMMEL Recyclingtechnik GmbH exhibited the primary shredder VB 750 DK in the Mandalay Bay convention center and attracted many trade fair visitors. The HAMMEL multitalent is available for shredding different sorts of material and does convince with an operator-friendly handling due to an „easy to use“ control.
Two months later, HAMMEL was present at the WasteEXPO show, which took place also in Las Vegas, NV. 600 exhibitors were counted at North Americas biggest, high-frequency trade fair in the recycling industry from 7th to 9th of June 2016. Here, HAMMEL showcased the latest developments for the application of shredding- and recycling technology.
At both Las Vegas trade fairs interesting new contacts and constructive conversations with prospective clients and customers took place.